Francesco Magoga Photography: Sudden waterspout on the gulf of Genoa, part III
Creativity103: smoky alien reflection
Thomas Shahan: Male Habronattus virgulatus Jumping Spider - Arizona
Bella Rosina Jewelry: Pink and Yellow Rhododendron
Thomas Shahan: Hummingbird Hawk Moth - Macroglossum stellatarum - Arezzo, Italy
Thomas Shahan: Adult Female Jumping Spider - Phidippus mystaceus
Bella Rosina Jewelry: Buds are beautiful too
Bella Rosina Jewelry: Bumblebee at work
Bella Rosina Jewelry: The Turtle Highway
Bella Rosina Jewelry: Orange Poppies
Bella Rosina Jewelry: January Stormy Sky Opens Up to Light at Haystack Rock; Pacific Ocean
Bella Rosina Jewelry: Sunset on "The Needles"