nutzk: Crafting Powhatan Indian artifacts
nutzk: Inside an Indian Yehakin
nutzk: Yehakin in recreated Powhatan Indian village
nutzk: Memorial to the Jamestown settlement
nutzk: In the Jamestown Settlement visitors center
nutzk: Round of Totems
nutzk: Inside an Indian Yehakin
nutzk: Yehakin in recreated Powhatan Indian village
nutzk: Mortar for grinding corn
nutzk: Yehakin reed cover
nutzk: Entrance to James Fort
nutzk: Powhatan Indian village - building a canoe
nutzk: Powhatan Indian village - smoking fish
nutzk: Inside an Indian Yehakin
nutzk: Close-up of a Totem in Powhatan Indian village
nutzk: On the deck of the Susan Constant
nutzk: A sailor on the deck of the Susan Constant
nutzk: Barrels on the James dock
nutzk: The Susan Constant
nutzk: Hidden harbor
nutzk: Navigation instruments on the Susan Constant
nutzk: A sailor on the deck of the Susan Constant
nutzk: A peek into the hold of the Susan Constant
nutzk: The Godspeed viewed from the Susan Constant
nutzk: The Discovery and the Godspeed
nutzk: Bunk beds on the Susan Constant
nutzk: The bell of the Susan Constant
nutzk: Breech-loading swivel gun on the Susan Constant
nutzk: Ropes on the guardrail of the Susan Constant
nutzk: The maintop on the main mast of the Susan Constant