Shae Nova Velda: Outside my Window
Shae Nova Velda: Dark Princeling
Shae Nova Velda: What have we here?
Shae Nova Velda: Side by side
Shae Nova Velda: Banana Tiara
Shae Nova Velda: Elbow to the knee is not very effective
Shae Nova Velda: "Really...Ren?"
Shae Nova Velda: "Isn't that dangerous?"
Shae Nova Velda: Hands on hips
Shae Nova Velda: "Oh woe is me..."
Shae Nova Velda: Hangin' Out
Shae Nova Velda: "Please, be gentle."
Shae Nova Velda: Baddie Sandwich?
Shae Nova Velda: "I will always be by your side..."
Shae Nova Velda: Rock Yo Body!
Shae Nova Velda: Industrial Buddies
Shae Nova Velda: My Timeless Companion
Shae Nova Velda: A Dragon n' Kitten
Shae Nova Velda: "Baddie!?!"
Shae Nova Velda: "But I like strawberries too!"
Shae Nova Velda: This L.O.V.E.
Shae Nova Velda: And stop!
Shae Nova Velda: "Kai, what are you doing?"
Shae Nova Velda: Photobooth Adventure
Shae Nova Velda: Highfi-- wait!