Camp B'nai Brith Ottawa: Heidi Barrer, Lisa Vineberg
Camp B'nai Brith Ottawa: Left to right - Elyse Haber, Alissa Harris, Karen Richstone
Camp B'nai Brith Ottawa: Left to Right - Danny Chazonoff, Donna Zelnicker, Ina Swedler
Camp B'nai Brith Ottawa: David Shapiro and Carrie Mason
Camp B'nai Brith Ottawa: Debbie Hendler
Camp B'nai Brith Ottawa: Caroline Saxon
Camp B'nai Brith Ottawa: CIT Colour War captains Jennifer Saxon and Earl Forman
Camp B'nai Brith Ottawa: Mark Macy (left) and Morley Mason (right)
Camp B'nai Brith Ottawa: Colour War Tugs of War - Female CITs
Camp B'nai Brith Ottawa: Jacqui April and Ian Shabinsky
Camp B'nai Brith Ottawa: From left to right: Roger Greenberg, Sheldon Nutkevitch, Ian Zunder, Lorne Goloff
Camp B'nai Brith Ottawa: Early Miss Fugley Contest - Howard Black (Left) and Danny Chazonoff (Right) lavish affection on Ian Zunder (Centre)
Camp B'nai Brith Ottawa: Which is which? Howard Black (Left) and Michael Polowin (Right) both as Michael Polowin
Camp B'nai Brith Ottawa: Colour War Captains Randi Goldstein and Glen Longert
Camp B'nai Brith Ottawa: Leslie Greenberg
Camp B'nai Brith Ottawa: The Quebec Police pay a visit to CBB
Camp B'nai Brith Ottawa: Colour War Tugs of War - Male Staff
Camp B'nai Brith Ottawa: 1985 - Danny and Lori Chazonoff
Camp B'nai Brith Ottawa: Impersonations of the Superstaff from left to right: Mitch Merowitz as Head of Judaica Gerry Cammy, David Matarasso as Program Director Ian Sherman, David Shapiro as Director Morley Mason, Howard Black as Head Counsellor Michael Polowin, Zack Nutkevitch
Camp B'nai Brith Ottawa: Karen Shusterman, Aaron Hoffman, Dini Rappaport
Camp B'nai Brith Ottawa: Gary Newton and Howie Bokser
Camp B'nai Brith Ottawa: Dini Rappaport, Jennifer Saxon
Camp B'nai Brith Ottawa: From left to right, Seth Feller, Flea(Felicia Sherman-Cantor) and Jennifer Sherman-Cantor, baby is Shayna Sherman
Camp B'nai Brith Ottawa: Mandy Gosewich