lisby1: "The fat just walks away"
lisby1: Captain Jack's Series 1 Costume
lisby1: The Aged and Weather-beaten K-9
lisby1: Cyber Shade
lisby1: Costumes from "The Next Doctor"
lisby1: "The Angels Have the Police Box"
lisby1: Costume from the 2007 Christmas special
lisby1: Heavenly Host
lisby1: Set piece from "The Lazarus Experiment"
lisby1: Donna with the Time Beetle
lisby1: Impossible Things
lisby1: Scarecrow from "Family of Blood"
lisby1: Costumes from Series 3
lisby1: Props from "Planet of the Ood"
lisby1: Props from "The Christmas Invasion"
lisby1: Ood Sigma
lisby1: Donna Noble's costume
lisby1: Props from "Journey's End"
lisby1: Props from "Stolen Earth" and "Journey's End"
lisby1: Pieces of the Tardis
lisby1: Rose and Donna's costumes
lisby1: Donna and Martha's Costumes
lisby1: Captain Jack Harness's Costume
lisby1: The Supreme Dalek
lisby1: The Supreme Dalek
lisby1: Daleks
lisby1: A Dalek from series 4
lisby1: Pig Slave costume
lisby1: Half-human Dalek cosume
lisby1: River Song's diary and sonic screw driver with red settings and dampers