lisby1: Shakespeare's Birth House, Stratford upon Avon, England, June 2011
lisby1: Ancient Tree, Shakespeare's Birth House, Stratford
lisby1: Shakespeare's Birth House, Stratford
lisby1: David Tennant as Hamlet
lisby1: Playbook, Skakespeare's Birth Place
lisby1: Kitchen, Shakespeare's Birth House, Stratford upon Avon
lisby1: Dining room, Shakespeare's Birth House, Stratford upon Avon
lisby1: Painted Wall Cloths, Shakespeare's Birth House, Stratford upon Avon
lisby1: Glover's Workshop, Shakespeare's Birth House, Stratford upon Avon
lisby1: Glover's Workshop, Shakespeare's Birth House, Stratford upon Avon
lisby1: Looking Out, Shakespeare's Birth House, Stratford upon Avon, England, June 2011
lisby1: Bedchamber, Shakespeare's Birth House, Stratford upon Avon
lisby1: Painted Wall Cloths, Shakespeare's Birth House, Stratford upon Avon
lisby1: Curtained Bed,Shakespeare's Birth House, Stratford upon Avon
lisby1: Trundle and Curtained Bed, Shakespeare's Birth House, Stratford upon Avon
lisby1: Cradle, Shakespeare's Birth House, Stratford upon Avon
lisby1: Artifacts Found in Excavations of the Shakespeare Birth House Property
lisby1: Artifacts Found in Excavations of the Shakespeare Birth House Property
lisby1: Original Birthroom Windows, Shakespeare's Birth House, Stratford upon Avon
lisby1: Original Birthroom Windows, Shakespeare's Birth House, Stratford upon Avon
lisby1: Original Birthroom Windows, Shakespeare's Birth House, Stratford upon Avon
lisby1: Original Birthroom Windows, Shakespeare's Birth House, Stratford upon Avon, England, June 2011
lisby1: Original Birthroom Windows, Shakespeare's Birth House, Stratford upon Avon
lisby1: Original Birthroom Windows, Shakespeare's Birth House, Stratford upon Avon
lisby1: Original Birthroom Windows, Shakespeare's Birth House, Stratford upon Avon
lisby1: Original Birthroom Windows, Shakespeare's Birth House, Stratford upon Avon
lisby1: Original Birthroom Windows, Shakespeare's Birth House, Stratford upon Avon
lisby1: The Garrick Inn, 1596, Stratford upon Avon
lisby1: The Door of the 1596 Public House Now Called the Garrick Inn
lisby1: Detail, Exterior, the Garrick Inn, Stratford