larry 02: Methodist church
larry 02: science and faith
larry 02: church foundation
larry 02: triple cross
larry 02: Trinity Lutheran Church
larry 02: First Protestant Church: New Braunfels
larry 02: fort 01
larry 02: mission 03
larry 02: santa fe 01
larry 02: mission mural
larry 02: comfort church
larry 02: schulenburg 07
larry 02: mission 04
larry 02: St. Peters Catholic Church
larry 02: Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Lake Charles
larry 02: schulenburg 08
larry 02: schulenburg 04a
larry 02: schulenburg 02b
larry 02: schulenburg 01a
larry 02: schulenburg 06
larry 02: schulenburg 05
larry 02: tree and church 02
larry 02: mission 05
larry 02: schulenburg 10
larry 02: Presbyterian church 02
larry 02: Methodist spire
larry 02: Good Shepherd
larry 02: Presbyterian church 04
larry 02: Greek church
larry 02: Union Church Building