Etlis51: Goya(Bitter gourds) of our garden
Etlis51: Goya Leaves
Etlis51: Goya Flower
Etlis51: Rice paddy along the Shinonoi line
Etlis51: Travel with book
Etlis51: Bench
Etlis51: Clouds above the Saga city
Etlis51: Green rice plants
Etlis51: 楠川歩道/Kusugawa hodo
Etlis51: 千尋の滝/Fall of the Senbiro
Etlis51: 白谷雲水峡/Shiratani-unsuikyou
Etlis51: Bud
Etlis51: ゲリラ豪雨と雷 Heavy Rain and Thunder
Etlis51: 明神池 Myoujin-ike
Etlis51: Cow
Etlis51: flower and mountain
Etlis51: painting
Etlis51: Country road
Etlis51: Sunrise of Yangshuo
Etlis51: Morning of Ri river
Etlis51: IMG_6947
Etlis51: Catching the fish
Etlis51: Carring a load
Etlis51: Rock Mountain
Etlis51: Yang shuo 陽朔
Etlis51: Fishing Man
Etlis51: Wild Wisteria
Etlis51: Wisteria
Etlis51: Guilin, China
Etlis51: 雄鶏