saito0923: Fallen leaves of autumn 秋の落ち葉
saito0923: Curtain rail
saito0923: boisterous dance of cosmoses コスモスの乱舞
saito0923: put a love letter. ラブレターをいれて
saito0923: Warabi-mochi (bracken mochi) Japanese sweets
saito0923: Untitled
saito0923: camera × camera × camera!
saito0923: Untitled
saito0923: hydrangea 紫陽花
saito0923: Dream of candlelight ろうそく明りの夢
saito0923: St. Valentine's day
saito0923: rose 薔薇
saito0923: In the swaying candlelight 揺れるろうそくの明かりの中で
saito0923: a wish and candlelight ろうそくの光と願い
saito0923: Life of rose 薔薇の命
saito0923: japanese pampas grass ススキ
saito0923: clear
saito0923: All you can select the flower
saito0923: Sakura(cherry blossoms) at sunset 夕暮れ時の桜
saito0923: Riding on the wind of spring
saito0923: She likes strawberries ♡彼女は苺が好き♡
saito0923: Scent of cherry blossoms(sakura)
saito0923: 梅花祭Plum Blossom Festival
saito0923: 梅花祭Plum Blossom Festival
saito0923: relaxing time at cafe
saito0923: 和菓子(春) japanese sweets(spring)
saito0923: 着物姿の女性の笑顔 a smile on a kimono-clad lady
saito0923: 透ける貝殻 A transparent shell
saito0923: 海を見る少女 Girl sees the sea.