saito0923: 菜の花カメラマン a photographer of canola flowers
saito0923: rice field 水田
saito0923: 琵琶湖での朝日Morning sun in Lake Biwa
saito0923: 雪景色a snow scene
saito0923: 雪景色a snow scene
saito0923: ライトアップlight up 竹林bamboo thicket
saito0923: 雲 the clouds
saito0923: 紅葉と道Road and autumn leaves
saito0923: Blue blue
saito0923: もみじMaple on the roof
saito0923: parent and child and sunset
saito0923: 土筆 horsetails
saito0923: Golden japanese pampas grass 黄金色のススキ
saito0923: japanese pampas grass ススキ
saito0923: Blue colour
saito0923: Private beach
saito0923: Mountain wrapped in fog
saito0923: 日差しSunlight
saito0923: sunflowers
saito0923: 桜cherry blossoms
saito0923: 桜cherry blossoms
saito0923: 桜cherry blossoms
saito0923: Two trees 2本の木
saito0923: hydrangea 紫陽花
saito0923: terraced paddy field 棚田
saito0923: refreshing 清涼
saito0923: stillness-bamboo thicket 静ー竹林
saito0923: life in the terrace paddy field 棚田での生活
saito0923: life in the terrace paddy field 棚田での生活
saito0923: Sunset with a view of the sea 海の見える夕景