siresim: Suspended
siresim: Exit way
siresim: Across car 257
siresim: Out of my train
siresim: Stop at the station
siresim: The dirty window of my train
siresim: Out of the dirty window
siresim: Fuga out of the train window
siresim: The country running outside
siresim: Stright to the fog at the end of the track
siresim: The green light
siresim: 120-130-140
siresim: The blue light of the dawn in the early morning train
siresim: Crossing in the blue light
siresim: Multiframed landscape
siresim: Sunrise on the early morning train
siresim: Dream lights
siresim: Passing by
siresim: Passing through
siresim: Me in my train
siresim: Me in my train (detail)
siresim: Night crossing
siresim: Steady station
siresim: The colourful
siresim: Under the shelter
siresim: The rain in the station
siresim: Station blues
siresim: Evening arrival
siresim: Dissolution
siresim: Fuga