scottrobart: DSC_0059
scottrobart: DSC_0133
scottrobart: DSC_0144
scottrobart: DSC_0089
scottrobart: DSC_0143
scottrobart: Cooper-09-10-13
scottrobart: Cooper the Boxer
scottrobart: Cooper
scottrobart: Boxer Yawn
scottrobart: Cooper
scottrobart: Selective Color Cooper
scottrobart: Coop Slobbering
scottrobart: Cooper
scottrobart: Cooper
scottrobart: Coop and Marley
scottrobart: Cooper
scottrobart: Cooper
scottrobart: Cooper
scottrobart: Cooper
scottrobart: Cooper
scottrobart: Cooper
scottrobart: Cooper
scottrobart: Cooper's Head Tilt
scottrobart: Cooper
scottrobart: Mr. Meanie (aka Cooper)
scottrobart: Mr. Meanie (aka Cooper)
scottrobart: Cooper
scottrobart: Coop and Marley