leiris202: ...Aucune agonie ne nous fera mourir [...No amount of suffering will kill us] issued by UJCF (Union des Jeunesses Communistes de France) c1973
leiris202: All is well! Comrade... by Lebenstein (probably) c1982 Fance
leiris202: Alternative Pedagogue, Pro-democracy Poster Collection, Germany, Unknown 1990
leiris202: Aurora, Ducki, Krzysztof, Hungary 1989
leiris202: Charity Exhibition of the Bulgarian Green Party, Lithograph printed in black, green and blue on paper, unknown 1990
leiris202: Ducki, Krzysztof 'May 1' Hungary issued by Alliance of Free Democrats, 1990
leiris202: For a Hungarian Future, Aba, Béla, Hungarian Democratic Forum 1990
leiris202: Karel Capek 1890-1938. 100 anniversary of the writer's birth by unknown 1990 Czech Republic
leiris202: Movement for Civic Freedom, Vanek, Marián (designer), The Movement for Civic Freedom (issued by), Czech Republic 1989
leiris202: Nikolaj Erdman- The Mandate, Pócs, Péter, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro (published)
leiris202: Pax Sovietica by unknown c1982 poland
leiris202: Pócs's (P)art(y) Forum, Pócs, Péter, Attila József Library, Miskolc (clients) Hungary 1989
leiris202: Solidarity asks for the release of all political prisoners; Pro-democracy Poster Collection by unknown Poland, c1981
leiris202: SolidaritySolidarity Independent Trade Union (issued by) Janiszewski, Jerzy Poland 1989
leiris202: Stop. Romania. With the exception of communist friends! by unknown 1990 Romania
leiris202: The Political Trial of the Pensioner Gyula Kristály from Ózd, Ducki, Krzysztof, Hungary 1989
leiris202: Vote FSN [National Salvation Front]. Liberty, Democracy, Dignity by unknown 1990 Romania
leiris202: Vote With Your Head, Germany 1990
leiris202: Voters, Be Alert!, Reimeris, Giedrius & Varnas, Jonas (artist), Sajudis (issued by), Lith 1989
leiris202: We've already 'voted' for them, Varnas, Jonas (designer), Sajudis (issued by), Lithuania 1989
leiris202: Without borders, free, Free Democratic Party (issued by), Germany 1990