leiris202: 7th Annual Purim Ball 1963
leiris202: A Type Specimen page, 1950
leiris202: Clear writing 1959
leiris202: For the Sake of Heaven - A Chronicle 1958
leiris202: God and the way of knowning 1957
leiris202: Hans Hoffman 1997
leiris202: In the Winter of Cities 1956, New Directions
leiris202: Jerusalem and Rome 1960
leiris202: Jonathan Edwards 1959
leiris202: Jospeh Conrad
leiris202: Literature in America 1957
leiris202: Memoirs of a Revolutionist 1958
leiris202: Philosphy in the Middle Ages 1959
leiris202: Politics- who gets what, when, how 1958
leiris202: Scenes from the drama of European Literature 1959
leiris202: Sights and Spectacles 1959
leiris202: The Book of Jazz 1958
leiris202: The Childhood of Man 1960
leiris202: the Disinherited Mind 1958
leiris202: The Dissociation of Personality
leiris202: The Ideal Reader 1997
leiris202: The Recollections of Alexis De Tocqueville 1958
leiris202: The Strange Islands, 1957, New Directions
leiris202: The Writings of Martin Buber 1957
leiris202: Silver and Judaica Collection, 1963
leiris202: The Federalist 1961
leiris202: Artists and enemies- three novelas 1997
leiris202: New Year's Party Invitations 1958
leiris202: Max Ernst - Sculpture and Recent Painting, The Jewish Museum, 1966
leiris202: Dangling Man, 1959