leiris202: New Buffalo Bill Weekly, Issue 267 - Buffalo Bill and the Apache Kid
leiris202: Young Rover Library, Is36 - Link Rover's Success or High Jinks Among the Moonshiners
leiris202: Good News, Is201 - Beneath the Waves; or, The Cruise of the Electric Conqueror
leiris202: Ranger, Is 124
leiris202: New Nick Carter Weekly, Is563 - The Great Spy System (New York, c. 1910)
leiris202: New Nick Carter Weekly, Is578 - An Automobile Duel
leiris202: Sunday Companion Library, Is8 - A Pearl from the Deep
leiris202: Schoolboys' Own Library Is381 - The Cannibal Invaders
leiris202: Happy Days Is332 - The Rival Automobiles; or, A Race for a Hundred Thousand
leiris202: Old Sleuth Weekly Is18 - The Giant Detective Among the Cowboys
leiris202: Pluck and Luck Is763 - A Wizard of Wall St., or, The Career of Henry Carew, Boy Banker
leiris202: Liberty Boys of '76 Is314 - The Liberty Boys at Sag Harbor; or, The Liveliest Day on Record
leiris202: Tip Top Weekly Is28 - Frank Merriwell in Gorilla Land; or, The Search for the Missing Link
leiris202: Motor Stories Is16 - Motor Matt's Quest; or, Three Chums in Strange Waters
leiris202: Marvel Is58 - Pete Pays the Piper
leiris202: Tip Top Weekly Is495 - Dick Merriwell's Restoration; or, Whipping the Team into Shape
leiris202: Aldine O'er Land and Sea Library Is356 - The Black Castle
leiris202: Frank Leslie's Chimney Corner Is110 - The Red Ivy; or, Philip The Fool
leiris202: Brave and Bold - Issue 5 - The Spotted Six or the Mystery of Calvert Hathaway