ricardo00: Return to Africa: where trees can roar (or snore)
ricardo00: Beautiful male cheetah looking for mate
ricardo00: Eastern chanting goshawk and its kill
ricardo00: Eastern chanting goshawk goes for the kill
ricardo00: Verreaux's eagle owl
ricardo00: Hyrax on a Kopje
ricardo00: leopard waking up as it gets dark
ricardo00: leopard beginning its descent to go out for th evening hung
ricardo00: leopard making its way to the ground to go out on its nightly hunt
ricardo00: banded mongoose on a termite mound
ricardo00: disappearing hippo
ricardo00: surprised hippo
ricardo00: Grey-headed kingfisher at rest
ricardo00: grey headed kingfisher diving towards the water
ricardo00: red-headed rock agama catches an ant
ricardo00: mama and baby hippo
ricardo00: cheetah marking its territory
ricardo00: Fischer's lovebirds
ricardo00: serval going out for its nightly hunt
ricardo00: Lanner falcon gets dive bombed by a greater kestrel
ricardo00: African wildcat or domestic cat living in the Serengeti?
ricardo00: Aardwolf out for the night hunt
ricardo00: cheetah mom licking one of her 4 three week old cubs
ricardo00: hyena fight
ricardo00: cheetah on the run
ricardo00: Cheetah mom moving her cubs
ricardo00: olive baboon eating
ricardo00: giraffes at sunset
ricardo00: Secretary bird
ricardo00: Yellow-throated longclaw going after insects