ricardo00: Back in the Pantanal:2023
ricardo00: turquoise-fronted parrot finds a seed
ricardo00: giant anteater checking me out
ricardo00: monk parakeet
ricardo00: mama jaguar trying to coax her very young cub into the water, possibly for its first swim
ricardo00: Long-nosed Bats on a tree trunk in the Pantanal
ricardo00: boat-billed heron
ricardo00: Rufescent tiger heron: one of the numerous birds we saw in the Pantanal
ricardo00: coral snake (Micrurus frontalis): a poisonous snake we saw on the road during a night drive
ricardo00: Black-capped Donacobius
ricardo00: yellow-rumped cacique
ricardo00: giant river otter scratches an itch
ricardo00: ringed kingfisher calling: one of the more common birds we saw
ricardo00: kingfisher with its catch: tough to photograph since they are so fast
ricardo00: laughing falcon: one of the rarer birds in the Pantanal
ricardo00: sleeping Brazilian arboreal porcupine
ricardo00: Jaguar mom moving her cubs across the river
ricardo00: How many jaguars do you see?
ricardo00: getting a lift from mama
ricardo00: Butterflies drinking caiman tears for the salt
ricardo00: Wattled jacana on the move
ricardo00: Hyacinth macaw with palm date
ricardo00: Rusty-margined Flycatcher with its catch
ricardo00: black-collared hawk on attack
ricardo00: Gillded saphire hummingbird
ricardo00: white-woodpecker
ricardo00: tropical kingbird
ricardo00: Red-throated piping guan
ricardo00: two giant Ameiva fighting
ricardo00: Roseate spoonbill in flight