ricardo00: Cooper's hawk focussing on its target
ricardo00: Forster's tern on the hunt
ricardo00: Forster's tern comes up with a fish
ricardo00: Black tern on the hunt
ricardo00: tern coming up with a fish
ricardo00: black tern upclose
ricardo00: black tern with its catch
ricardo00: the adventuresome chick left the safety of mom to go into the water
ricardo00: two very young black-necked stilt chicks enjoying the water
ricardo00: flight at dusk
ricardo00: at dusk, returning to a safe place to spend the night
ricardo00: Black-necked stilt chicks and their mom
ricardo00: juvenile white-breasted nuthatch jumping up the tree
ricardo00: red-shouldered hawk fledgling practicing flying
ricardo00: Western wood-pewee catches a dragon fly
ricardo00: cinnamon teal
ricardo00: male Ruddy duck strutting his stuff
ricardo00: Townsend's solitaire on its nest
ricardo00: common loon on its nest
ricardo00: Bonaparte's gull
ricardo00: Sora out for a stroll
ricardo00: Spotted Sandpiper with a tasty catch
ricardo00: red-breasted nuthatch bringing food to its nest
ricardo00: red-naped sapsucker bringing food to its chicks
ricardo00: hairy woodpecker after making food delivery to its den
ricardo00: a black-backed woodpecker chick awaiting feeding
ricardo00: black-backed woodpecker papa arrives with food
ricardo00: Red-necked grebe mama returns to its nest
ricardo00: Sharp-tailed grouse behavior at the lek
ricardo00: sharp-tailed grouse jumping