ricardo00: GHO getting ready for an evening hunt
ricardo00: GHO couple on different limbs of the same tree
ricardo00: GHO pellet regurgitation
ricardo00: GHO duet
ricardo00: New Year's eve with a burrowing owl
ricardo00: elephant seal juvenile males practicing fighting
ricardo00: waking up for Christmas eve hunt
ricardo00: GHO waking up
ricardo00: burrowing owl enjoying some sun
ricardo00: Northern harrier on the hunt
ricardo00: me and my shadow
ricardo00: Western screech owl waking up
ricardo00: Western bluebird vs warbler berry picking
ricardo00: RTH juvenile learning to hunt
ricardo00: green heron fishing on a hot day
ricardo00: WSO waking up and flying off
ricardo00: Great horned owl waking up
ricardo00: White-tailed action over my house tonight
ricardo00: Western screech owl waking up
ricardo00: Anna's in our yard: Crazy to think that one can shoot 800mm handheld video
ricardo00: burrowing owl evening
ricardo00: Burrowing owl chicks wake up and go looking for something to eat
ricardo00: British Columbia birding
ricardo00: Spending a morning with some common loons
ricardo00: mama feeding her fledged Northern pygmy owlet
ricardo00: pop goes the weasel
ricardo00: Peregrine mom brings some food in and her 3 chicks come for breakfast
ricardo00: Mom I am hungry!
ricardo00: An attempt at video of the peregrine falcons
ricardo00: Mama GHO feeding her chicks