ricardo00: looking out over the neighborhood
ricardo00: WTK patrolling the neighborhood
ricardo00: some twigs for the nest
ricardo00: consummation of the relationship
ricardo00: Our neighborhood white-tailed kites are starting a new family
ricardo00: Pt Reyes coyote
ricardo00: made you blink
ricardo00: mama GHO preening
ricardo00: After the rain stopped, a badger popped up to soak up some sun.
ricardo00: two chicks stayed in the remaining portion of the nest
ricardo00: alone after falling out of the nest
ricardo00: third GHO chick
ricardo00: mama GHO and one of her 3 chicks
ricardo00: owlet patiently waiting for mama to bring dinner
ricardo00: white-breasted nuthatch on a redwood tree
ricardo00: owlet waking up and branching
ricardo00: coyote questioning me
ricardo00: bobcat on the prowl spots me
ricardo00: As the sun set, mama watched her chicks from a nearby tree before going out to hunt
ricardo00: incoming meal
ricardo00: meal time
ricardo00: papa RSH brings food to the nest which mama takes and feeds the chicks.
ricardo00: Mama feeding one of her chicks
ricardo00: RSH mama feeding her chicks
ricardo00: hooded oriole with more food
ricardo00: heading to the nest with some food
ricardo00: RSH mom feeding her chicks
ricardo00: Mom plays favorites
ricardo00: our neighborhood mama kite brought back a gopher but the chick has not been seen for days
ricardo00: Anna's getting some material for its nest