ricardo00: cedar waxwing taking a break from eating berries
ricardo00: golden-crowned sparrow
ricardo00: Western bluebird reaching for a berry
ricardo00: Western bluebird finds something to eat
ricardo00: lesser goldfinch eating a bud
ricardo00: junco eating one of our cherry blossoms
ricardo00: yellow bellied sapsucker going to another tree
ricardo00: spotted towhee about to leave
ricardo00: RSH makes a dash for its prey
ricardo00: RSH scratching that itch
ricardo00: RSH preening
ricardo00: RSH about to leap shows off his red shoulders
ricardo00: close-up of yellow-bellied sapsucker
ricardo00: yellow-bellied sapsucker extracting sap
ricardo00: horned grebe and their reflection
ricardo00: closing in on an insect
ricardo00: Say's phoebe on the chase
ricardo00: Slow-mo of sapsucker making more sap wells
ricardo00: WTK patrolling the neighborhood
ricardo00: looking out over the neighborhood
ricardo00: some twigs for the nest
ricardo00: consummation of the relationship
ricardo00: Our neighborhood white-tailed kites are starting a new family
ricardo00: European starling in front of a field of mustard flowers
ricardo00: American kestrel eating its catch
ricardo00: Pt Reyes coyote
ricardo00: Americn badger at its burrow in golden light
ricardo00: Badger enjoying the evening sun and being outside
ricardo00: bobcat with its catch
ricardo00: anticipation