ricardo00: Anna's hummer with new lens
ricardo00: lesser goldfinch eating some sunflower leaves
ricardo00: jack-rabbit on the run
ricardo00: backlit black-necked stilt chick
ricardo00: blacked-necked stilt chick eating
ricardo00: getting preened by mama
ricardo00: papa black-necked stilt leading gull away from his chicks
ricardo00: Sleepy barn owl in a palm tree cavity
ricardo00: juvenile goldfinch
ricardo00: Northern harrier on the hunt
ricardo00: Forster's tern with its catch
ricardo00: black skimmer on the hunt catches a small fish and closes its beak
ricardo00: black skimmer catches a fish
ricardo00: osprey on the hunt
ricardo00: playing keep away: not sure if one was a juvenile but the second one kept screaming
ricardo00: tern on a fisherman's hook
ricardo00: barn owl on nightly hunt after the sun had set
ricardo00: one of the seals notices me with half opened eyes
ricardo00: otter cub snuggling with mama
ricardo00: sea otter mom sharing her food with her cub
ricardo00: chestnut-backed chickadee eating an olive
ricardo00: Western screech owl awakening as night falls
ricardo00: waiting for the night to arrive
ricardo00: spider web in the fog
ricardo00: RTH finds a perch to eat its catch
ricardo00: Tule elk bugling
ricardo00: coyote makes a leap
ricardo00: on the hunt
ricardo00: Tule elk rutting season
ricardo00: playing peek-a-boo with a turkey vulture