ricardo00: Townsend's chipmunk upclose
ricardo00: pileated woodpecker feasting
ricardo00: black-headed grosbeak
ricardo00: elusive Lazuli Bunting
ricardo00: mountain bluebird on the fly
ricardo00: great gray owl staying cool in the shade
ricardo00: spotted sandpiper bobbing its tail
ricardo00: flying off with two fish
ricardo00: shaking off the excess water
ricardo00: emerging from the water
ricardo00: going under
ricardo00: osprey hitting the water
ricardo00: Killdeer tail fanning behavior (some in slow mo)
ricardo00: GGO hunting
ricardo00: the patience of a hunter
ricardo00: GGO on the fly
ricardo00: GGO on a post
ricardo00: rough-legged hawk checking me out
ricardo00: changing of the guard
ricardo00: Mountain bluebird