ricardo00: the strike: incredibly fast
ricardo00: mama on alert, looking for food for her babies
ricardo00: after being underground, a little face cleaning is in order.
ricardo00: the hunted and the hunter
ricardo00: Success: the catch
ricardo00: not sure what is going on here? Mama giving some tough love to one of the kids? Or?
ricardo00: the deadly tooth
ricardo00: another leap
ricardo00: another meal for the kids
ricardo00: Two of this years litter emerge from the den to see the world above ground
ricardo00: On alert
ricardo00: Adios!
ricardo00: long-tailed weasel
ricardo00: the catch! These guys are awesome hunters.
ricardo00: one of this year's long-tailed weasel kits with mom
ricardo00: upclose with mom long-tailed weasel
ricardo00: the jump: how long is a long-tailed weasel
ricardo00: Digging for gopher: dirt flies
ricardo00: long-tailed weasel comes up with dinner
ricardo00: pop goes the weasel
ricardo00: one of the youngsters jumping
ricardo00: the bite of a long-tailed weasel
ricardo00: long-tailed weasel dashing with a gopher
ricardo00: long-tailed weasel clearing out its burrow after the rain
ricardo00: Where did everyone go?
ricardo00: running up the soccer goal post
ricardo00: leaping off the goal post
ricardo00: siblings rough housing
ricardo00: jumping on sibling long-tailed weasel cub
ricardo00: pop goes the weasel