ricardo00: Brant: a visiting goose from the Arctic
ricardo00: eared grebe
ricardo00: Battle over breeding ground
ricardo00: success! juvenile black skimmer succeeds at mastering the skim
ricardo00: Skimming the water at an incredible speed!
ricardo00: incoming black skimmer
ricardo00: Forster's tern on the hunt
ricardo00: Forster's tern with its catch
ricardo00: burrowing owl on a mission
ricardo00: Trying to figure out how to start
ricardo00: Where is my fish?
ricardo00: Unhappy fledgling
ricardo00: Western bluebird with a caterpillar
ricardo00: lift off: not sure why, but occasionally the burrowing owl would make a short flight
ricardo00: a shy Canadian goose chick
ricardo00: off with the head!
ricardo00: double crested cormorant taking off
ricardo00: Forster's tern with a fish for its chick
ricardo00: incoming fish to begging chicks
ricardo00: incoming crustacean
ricardo00: A crustacean for the chick
ricardo00: transfer complete
ricardo00: Black skimmer parade
ricardo00: black-necked stilt chick returning to mom at dusk
ricardo00: black-necked stilt chick feeding on their own
ricardo00: Forster's tern with its catch
ricardo00: black skimmer on the hunt catches a small fish and closes its beak
ricardo00: black skimmer catches a fish
ricardo00: Forster's tern on the hunt
ricardo00: Forster's tern comes up with a fish