ricardo00: RTH focussing on its prey
ricardo00: RTH flies off with its catch
ricardo00: Banded RTH with its catch
ricardo00: One California quail chick kept coming closer, as if checking me out
ricardo00: tasty leaf
ricardo00: family meal time
ricardo00: California male quail eating
ricardo00: California quail taking a dust bath amid some flowers
ricardo00: gray fox appears from bushes
ricardo00: gray fox catches a snake
ricardo00: gray fox spots prey
ricardo00: Wilson's warbler profile
ricardo00: Wilson's warbler serenade
ricardo00: licking lips
ricardo00: Cooper's hawk hiding amongst the branches
ricardo00: incoming peregrine falcon
ricardo00: fly by
ricardo00: consumating the relationship
ricardo00: mama peregrine falcon about to take off from the nest for a few minutes break
ricardo00: male cormorant showing off to impress the female
ricardo00: Peregrine falcon returning to the eyrie after eating
ricardo00: rock wren close-up
ricardo00: rock wren pulls out a treat
ricardo00: incoming breakfast (a common murre)
ricardo00: mama feeding her 4 chicks
ricardo00: Feeding time at the nest
ricardo00: Juvenile peregrine falcon waiting for food at the nest
ricardo00: Juvenile peregrine falcon fly over
ricardo00: Juvenile peregrine falcon practicing a dive
ricardo00: rock wren on the lookout