ricardo00: Green heron unhappy about being disturbed
ricardo00: Osprey checking me out
ricardo00: pied-billed grebe in a quiet moment
ricardo00: juvenile pied-billed grebe trying out a new hat
ricardo00: Gadwall finding something to eat
ricardo00: Gadwall jumping
ricardo00: RTH admiring her talons
ricardo00: black-necked stilt at sundown
ricardo00: green-winged teal
ricardo00: common goldeneye showing off
ricardo00: black-necked stilt on the fly
ricardo00: Northern harrier on the hunt
ricardo00: Northern harrier pretending to be a turkey
ricardo00: Northern harrier in the field
ricardo00: black skimmer showing off its catch to the crowd
ricardo00: in one gulp
ricardo00: down the hatch
ricardo00: Northern harrier on the hunt
ricardo00: green-tailed towhee finds something to eat in the underbrush
ricardo00: green-tailed towhee showing its tail
ricardo00: green-tailed towhee on a branch
ricardo00: Northern shoveler rising up
ricardo00: Northern harrier checking me out
ricardo00: Anna's going after a house finch that was on its tree
ricardo00: Anna's reclaims its tree
ricardo00: Willet lands on a rock
ricardo00: Northern harrier going for a catch
ricardo00: burrowing owl at dusk
ricardo00: muskrat in the Palo Alto Baylands