ricardo00: whale tail in front of smoggy beach
ricardo00: Elegant tern plucks an anchovy from the ocean
ricardo00: Ocean sunfish or Mola mola approaches our boat.
ricardo00: brown pelican fly-by
ricardo00: double fluking: these two humpback whales seemed to enjoy diving in synchrony
ricardo00: orca checking us out
ricardo00: baby and mama orca: can you spot the baby?
ricardo00: Sea lion feeding frenzy away from the orcas
ricardo00: Humpback blows and dives
ricardo00: keeping up with mama
ricardo00: whale fluking in peasoup fog
ricardo00: humpback lunge feeding
ricardo00: kayaking with humpbacks: the humpbacks came very close to shore today
ricardo00: juvenile elegant tern: looking for a handout.
ricardo00: Patty-cakes anyone: sea otter cutie
ricardo00: cormorant with a large fish and seaweed
ricardo00: Juvenile Heermann's gull chasing elegant tern with fish
ricardo00: wave gliders in Monterey Bay
ricardo00: drone looking for wildlife in Monterey Bay
ricardo00: solo vertical lunge feeding
ricardo00: a Baleen smile
ricardo00: Two humpbacks working together to lunge feed in Monterey Bay
ricardo00: albino Risso dolphin living in Monterey Bay
ricardo00: mama whale feeding in Moss Landing on a very foggy morning
ricardo00: juvenile otter sharing crab with mama
ricardo00: crab for breakfast
ricardo00: Risso dophin jumping for us
ricardo00: sea otter with breakfast
ricardo00: anchovy rich waters of Monterey Bay
ricardo00: view of the powerful flippers of a humpback