ricardo00: On alert
ricardo00: moose at the willows
ricardo00: swallowtail getting some nectar
ricardo00: golden-mantled ground squirrel
ricardo00: watching out
ricardo00: my comfy kelp bed
ricardo00: Stanford dish fire
ricardo00: practice makes perfect
ricardo00: checking me out
ricardo00: Polar bear with Northern Lights
ricardo00: Avocet
ricardo00: on the hunt: second coyote that came close to me this time at Pt Reyes
ricardo00: Western screech owl waking up
ricardo00: humpback lunge feeding
ricardo00: solo vertical lunge feeding
ricardo00: getting spotted
ricardo00: Backlit coyote with its catch
ricardo00: a mixed couple: a white and black-tipped tail couple
ricardo00: bobcat on the hunt
ricardo00: Photographing a solar storm in the days when an American could visit Canada
ricardo00: the strike: incredibly fast
ricardo00: on alert
ricardo00: Moose at local park in Anchorage
ricardo00: crab for breakfast
ricardo00: skunk on the run
ricardo00: Fluke skywalker breaching
ricardo00: Hoover Tower under a rainbow
ricardo00: white-tipped coyote on the hunt for dinner
ricardo00: some sharp teeth needed
ricardo00: bobcat posing for me