ricardo00: lift off: not sure why, but occasionally the burrowing owl would make a short flight
ricardo00: preening burrowing owl: getting ready for take-off
ricardo00: burrowing owl on a mission
ricardo00: close-up of Juvenile Cooper's hawk
ricardo00: Wilson's warbler
ricardo00: adult with catch
ricardo00: RSH chicks are getting big
ricardo00: Anna's finding some nectar
ricardo00: RSH chicks share a lizard
ricardo00: the little one gets some food
ricardo00: The feeding: the older one claimed most of the food!
ricardo00: Papa arrives with lunch
ricardo00: Mama arrived first
ricardo00: Waiting for lunch
ricardo00: lesser goldfinch snacking
ricardo00: the dangerous skies over the nest
ricardo00: eye to eye: stare down between the two kite chicks
ricardo00: kite chicks playing chicken: practicing their flying and landing skills
ricardo00: WTK nest feeding, almost a week after the chicks were knocked out of the nest
ricardo00: two kite fledglings going for the same branch
ricardo00: RSH feeding its chicks
ricardo00: RSH mama feeding her chick
ricardo00: RSH mama feeding her chicks
ricardo00: making it to the top of a tree: one of the chicks was able to fly
ricardo00: breakfast delivery
ricardo00: patiently waiting for breakfast: white-tailed kite nest
ricardo00: Violet-green swallow verus Lazuli bunting
ricardo00: WTK leaving the nest as the sun was setting
ricardo00: Lazuli bunting singing
ricardo00: Lazuli bunting showing his beautiful tail