ricardo00: Vicky Benzing doing some acrobatic flying with her 1940 Boeing Stearman
ricardo00: early morning bison
ricardo00: Mammoth hot springs terraces
ricardo00: whale blow results in a rainbow
ricardo00: View of Mount Katahdin from Abol Bridge
ricardo00: Speedy and her cubs walk right by me
ricardo00: Photographing jaguar in the Pantanal
ricardo00: India photo shoot
ricardo00: Photographing from the platform at Brooks Falls, Katmai
ricardo00: Photographing polar bears in Wapusk National Park
ricardo00: spider tortoise in spiny forest
ricardo00: zebu powered cart in front of a sisal plantation
ricardo00: Ground agama in the Kalahari
ricardo00: rainbow over Stanford
ricardo00: Nene at Kilauea Lighthouse
ricardo00: laysan albatross couple
ricardo00: gray jay
ricardo00: come swim with us!