ricardo00: Mammoth hot springs terraces
ricardo00: Red-tailed hawk looking for its next meal in the snow
ricardo00: muskrat swimming with its meal
ricardo00: bald eagle snow landing
ricardo00: bull elk finding something to eat in the snow
ricardo00: Hairy woodpecker (unless someone thinks otherwise?
ricardo00: Gray jay
ricardo00: American dipper with its catch
ricardo00: Clark's nutcracker
ricardo00: early morning bison
ricardo00: pronghorn
ricardo00: coyote in the snow
ricardo00: moose at the willows
ricardo00: moose eating in the snow
ricardo00: Moose catching snowflakes with its tongue
ricardo00: fox heading into his hole in the rocks.
ricardo00: fox heading home
ricardo00: Several wolves in the Junction Butte pack
ricardo00: wolves with a grizzly
ricardo00: coyote jumping straight towards me while hunting
ricardo00: coyote leap
ricardo00: coyote digging in the snow to get the rodent
ricardo00: and the coyote came up with the prize
ricardo00: black rosy-finch eating
ricardo00: black rosy-finch in snow
ricardo00: pika eating lichen
ricardo00: pika eating lichen
ricardo00: what are you looking at?
ricardo00: Junction Butte pack on the move
ricardo00: red dog: young bison are called red dogs