ricardo00: mule deer
ricardo00: yellow bellied marmot
ricardo00: mountain chickadee
ricardo00: cinnamon bear tearing into a tree
ricardo00: cinnamon bear walking on log in front of Sequoia tree
ricardo00: yellow-rumped warbler
ricardo00: MacGillivray's warbler
ricardo00: Western tanager going for a bug
ricardo00: Western tanager with catch
ricardo00: Western tanager singing
ricardo00: mule deer cooling off under a sequoia tree in Sequoia National Park
ricardo00: yellow bellied marmot helping me look for the black bears
ricardo00: four-spotted skimmer dragon fly
ricardo00: Alpine chipmunk hiding in plain sight
ricardo00: American bullfrog among the lily pads
ricardo00: American bullfrog not at all afraid as I approached
ricardo00: golden-mantled ground squirrel
ricardo00: Lodgepole chipmunk
ricardo00: yellow-bellied marmot: the perfect photographers subject
ricardo00: white-headed woodpecker looking for a meal
ricardo00: white-headed woodpecker feeding young
ricardo00: cinnamon bear in the meadows eating
ricardo00: A skittish bear kicking up a bunch of rocks/mud as it runs away