ricardo00: Pt. Reyes Great Horned owl
ricardo00: Tule elk smelling the flowers
ricardo00: Anna's Hummingbird Gorget
ricardo00: Pt. Reyes coyote hunting
ricardo00: coyote hunting in the fog
ricardo00: juvenile red tail hawk
ricardo00: Northern Harrier
ricardo00: the catch
ricardo00: River otters at Abbotts Lagoon
ricardo00: American Kestrel with his catch
ricardo00: long-tailed weasel
ricardo00: American badger
ricardo00: the itch
ricardo00: white-crowned sparrow
ricardo00: Anna's Hummingbird: finally landed though in an ugly perch
ricardo00: American Kestrel with dinner
ricardo00: Tule elk as sun tries to break thru the fog
ricardo00: Pt Reyes GHO, photographed with the 300mm f/4 pf this time
ricardo00: battle of one antler elk
ricardo00: elephant seal on Drake's Beach woke up enough for me to get a side shot
ricardo00: Northern flicker among the lace lichen
ricardo00: Cooper's hawk drying wings
ricardo00: Danger lurking
ricardo00: My first ferruginous hawk
ricardo00: ferruginous hawk in flight
ricardo00: white-crowned sparrow finds something to eat
ricardo00: yellow-rumped warbler next to some lace lichen
ricardo00: RSH after the rain
ricardo00: Northern harrier mantling
ricardo00: On the hunt