ricardo00: barn owl fly by: off on the nightly hunt
ricardo00: white-tailed kite hunting as the sun set
ricardo00: black-necked stilt
ricardo00: black-necked stilt fly by: much faster moving, so more of a test of the lens
ricardo00: Red tail hawk looking for dinner
ricardo00: sea otter eating innkeeper worm
ricardo00: sea otter with clam
ricardo00: pelican fly by: slow moving bird, so not much of a test of the lens
ricardo00: seagull with crab
ricardo00: black phoebe
ricardo00: Oak titmouse eating a berry
ricardo00: white-tailed kite attacking barn owl
ricardo00: white-tailed kite with dinner (3)
ricardo00: white-tailed kite with dinner (2)
ricardo00: white-tailed kite with dinner (removing the head)
ricardo00: Peregrine falcon calling
ricardo00: Scratching an itch
ricardo00: the take off
ricardo00: peregrine falcon fly by
ricardo00: Peregrine falcon checking me out
ricardo00: Ravens billing (or kissing)
ricardo00: Mourning dove
ricardo00: with a fresh acorn
ricardo00: Acorn woodpecker
ricardo00: Red tail hawk making a strike
ricardo00: snowy egret
ricardo00: gopher snake
ricardo00: Concentration: Harrier hawk hunting
ricardo00: Red-tail hawk in flight
ricardo00: fig time