ricardo00: The den is in a "cave" and one gets a glimpse of the chicks when they come to the front to poop (they already have learned not to foul the nest
ricardo00: Prepping the meal
ricardo00: Bringing the catch to the pantry where mom prepares the meal
ricardo00: After feeding the chicks for awhile, mom took the rest away to store the extra in the pantry
ricardo00: meal time: mom has been working hard providing for her 3 chicks!
ricardo00: the fly over: for some reason, this peregrine falcon routinely flies over the photographers on her way to feed her chicks
ricardo00: feeding the chicks
ricardo00: Mama peregrine falcon is working vey hard to feed her 3 chicks!
ricardo00: Peregrine Falcon chicks getting fed by their mom
ricardo00: After feeding her chicks, off to take a nap?
ricardo00: Mama peregrine saying good bye
ricardo00: Peregrine falcon chick getting fed by mama
ricardo00: Mama peregrine falcon feeding her chicks
ricardo00: peregrine falcon on the hunt at Devil's Slide
ricardo00: Incoming mama peregrine falcon with meal for her chicks
ricardo00: peregrine falcon mom feeding her 3 chicks
ricardo00: Defending the nest
ricardo00: The peregrine falcon chicks are getting ready to fly!
ricardo00: Mama peregrine looking on
ricardo00: Nailing the landing
ricardo00: One sibling chases the other
ricardo00: Here the two siblings were flying together
ricardo00: The two peregrine falcon chicks at Devil's slide were busy flying around today: here one is chasing and screaming at ma
ricardo00: With lots of fog and wind, the juvenile peregrine falcons came quite close today.
ricardo00: one of the peregrine falcon fledglings with a meal 2
ricardo00: one of the peregrine falcon fledglings with a meal
ricardo00: mama falcon off to hunt
ricardo00: Is this fledgling sticking its tongue out at me?
ricardo00: Peregrine falcon close-up of getting to the best part of the meal
ricardo00: Peregrine falcon calling