ricardo00: white-breasted nuthatch
ricardo00: Turkey vulture: stopped for a rest?
ricardo00: Northern Flicker on the ground, not sure what she was doing
ricardo00: female Nuttall's
ricardo00: Western bluebird with its catch
ricardo00: Acorn woodpecker at granary
ricardo00: A California duplex
ricardo00: Red-shouldered hawk looking for its next meal
ricardo00: Red-shouldered hawk gets a meal
ricardo00: white-tailed kite catches dinner
ricardo00: a big swallow
ricardo00: siblings
ricardo00: backlit mama GHO
ricardo00: sunset owlet
ricardo00: monarch butterfly showing its colors
ricardo00: common goldfinch getting a bite
ricardo00: golden-crowned sparrow
ricardo00: acorn woodpecker rotating its crop
ricardo00: face to face: shock and happiness