ricardo00: Mr. and Mrs. Northern Flicker
ricardo00: Arrival of the white pelicans
ricardo00: Merlin in flight
ricardo00: American Kestrel
ricardo00: Concentration
ricardo00: red tail hawk with California kingsnake
ricardo00: Finally they got together, just before the sun was blocked out by clouds
ricardo00: Northern Flicker head on
ricardo00: Northern Flicker
ricardo00: female kestrel
ricardo00: American Kestrel calling.
ricardo00: These flowers taste great!
ricardo00: Northern harrier looking for his dinner
ricardo00: Northern Harrier chases off a doe that got to close to its nest
ricardo00: Juvenile Northern harrier goes for a flight under mom's watchful eye
ricardo00: mama Hoot Hollow great horned owl
ricardo00: American bittern
ricardo00: song sparrow singing to me
ricardo00: black-crowned night heron
ricardo00: that was a big yawn!
ricardo00: Hidden in plain site: only one owlet left
ricardo00: Did anyone lose a blue ringneck parakeet?
ricardo00: Male great-tailed grackle
ricardo00: Mama great horned owl watching over her chick.
ricardo00: Great horned owlet waiting for dinner.
ricardo00: American Bittern takes off
ricardo00: American kestrel with dinner
ricardo00: song sparrow
ricardo00: kestrel fly by
ricardo00: Male kestrel with rodent but no female