ricardo00: Adult barn owl standing guard for the nest on a nearby tree
ricardo00: Barn owl greeting
ricardo00: camouflage
ricardo00: white-tailed kite attacking barn owl
ricardo00: barn owl chicks awaiting mama
ricardo00: getting gussied up for the evening out
ricardo00: barn owl chicks waking up as the sun sets
ricardo00: barn owl in the dark
ricardo00: barn owl hiding in plain sight
ricardo00: barn owl checking me out
ricardo00: barn owl on the hunt
ricardo00: heading home
ricardo00: looking in the flowers
ricardo00: barn owl fly by: off on the nightly hunt
ricardo00: barn owlets playing
ricardo00: barn owl waiting for darkness
ricardo00: barn owl at sunset
ricardo00: barn owl on the hunt
ricardo00: barn owl with catch
ricardo00: being chased by a Northern harrier
ricardo00: early morning neighborhood rodent patrol
ricardo00: returning home
ricardo00: barn owl fly by
ricardo00: barn owl sleeping in
ricardo00: barn owl in darkness
ricardo00: barn owl chick waiting to be fed
ricardo00: barn owl agains the setting sun
ricardo00: siblings
ricardo00: Barn owl chicks waiting for return of mama
ricardo00: Sleepy barn owl in a palm tree cavity