ricardo00: Getting groomed by mom
ricardo00: fledgling great horned owl with his mom
ricardo00: Hidden in plain site: only one owlet left
ricardo00: that was a big yawn!
ricardo00: When the light had started to fall (and I had lowered my shutter speed), the mom surprised me by flying by (this is a full frame shot) leaving me to baby sit the owlet
ricardo00: While the light was still good, the great horned owl mom started to stir, and her first action was a yawn
ricardo00: Great horned owlet waiting for dinner.
ricardo00: Mama great horned owl watching over her chick.
ricardo00: mama Hoot Hollow great horned owl
ricardo00: First great horned owl of 2018
ricardo00: great horned owls 1
ricardo00: great horned owls 2
ricardo00: great horned owls 3
ricardo00: great horned owls at Natural Bridges State Park
ricardo00: the call: soon after the other one came
ricardo00: the owl overhead: the perspective of the hunted
ricardo00: checking me out
ricardo00: a raven hassling the GHO
ricardo00: The GHO has had enough and goes after the raven
ricardo00: hooting to his mate
ricardo00: stretching those wings
ricardo00: getting ready to go out for the evening
ricardo00: scratching that itch
ricardo00: GHO enjoying the last ray of sun
ricardo00: Great Horned owl video
ricardo00: Time to duck?
ricardo00: you again?
ricardo00: one of those looks
ricardo00: beak to beak: after the two GHO wake up, they greet each other
ricardo00: at the nest: the GHO appear to have adopted this red-shouldered hawk nest as their own