ricardo00: juvenile white-tailed kite fly over
ricardo00: mountain bluebird in the Grand Tetons
ricardo00: osprey family in the Grand Tetons
ricardo00: immature california condor (Gymnogyps californianus) at Big Sur
ricardo00: mature condor:Fuego at Big Sur
ricardo00: mature condor (Gymnogyps californianus) at Big Sur, orange 99, called the Great One
ricardo00: mature condor (Gymnogyps californianus) at Big Sur
ricardo00: bull moose
ricardo00: beaver dinner
ricardo00: beaver itch in the Grand Tetons
ricardo00: moose calf
ricardo00: calf moose with mom in the Grand Tetons
ricardo00: white pelican in the Grand Tetons
ricardo00: male pronghorn in the Grand Tetons
ricardo00: baby pronghorns with mom in the Grand Tetons
ricardo00: bison head rest in the Grand Tetons
ricardo00: female western bluebird choosing one of the few blue berries on a Chinese pistache tree on Stanford campus
ricardo00: western bluebird eating a blue berry from a Chinese pistache tree on Stanford campus
ricardo00: Cedar waxwing visits a Chinese pistache tree on Stanford campus
ricardo00: American robin reaches for a berry on a Chinese pistache tree on Stanford campus
ricardo00: oak titmouse grabs a berry on a Chinese pistache tree on Stanford campus
ricardo00: Cedar waxwing comes to the Chinese pistache tree
ricardo00: Cedar Waxwing enjoying a berry from the Chinese pistache tree
ricardo00: Neither wind nor rain nor crows will stop . . . .
ricardo00: Neither wind nor rain nor crows will stop . . . .
ricardo00: Junior does a few wing flaps
ricardo00: And papa shouts encouragement from a nearby limb
ricardo00: As mama red-shouldered hawk anxiously watches from the nest
ricardo00: was watching this black phoebe when a hummingbird came close, then he puffed himself up
ricardo00: Anna's Hummingbird getting some pollen