ricardo00: A pangolin finds his meal of ants in the Kalahari desert
ricardo00: swallow tail bee eater catches a bee in the Kalahari
ricardo00: The perfect toy: mom's tail
ricardo00: the brothers
ricardo00: sunset
ricardo00: successful hunt
ricardo00: pangolin in golden light: looking for another ant hill
ricardo00: kudu at sundown
ricardo00: giraffe at sundown
ricardo00: heading back to the protection of the hills
ricardo00: chewing on a kill: they had a nearby kill that they would periodically visit to chew on the remains
ricardo00: one of the 7 cubs: this was one of the rare times I could photograph a single cub
ricardo00: getting some milk
ricardo00: too many mouths to feed
ricardo00: When a black-backed jackal walked by, it got the attention of the whole meerkat family (except for a few young ones)
ricardo00: The alpha female and her pup: since meerkats have a matriarchal society, the top dog
ricardo00: dragon fly at sundown
ricardo00: getting a drink
ricardo00: cheetah at dusk
ricardo00: African goshawk
ricardo00: leopard 4
ricardo00: leopard 3
ricardo00: leopard 2
ricardo00: leopard 1
ricardo00: Ground agama in the Kalahari