ricardo00: bobcat in the tree near Pinnacles
ricardo00: bobcat in grass near Pinnacles
ricardo00: bobcat in the shade near Pinnacles
ricardo00: playing peekaboo with a bobcat kitten
ricardo00: bobcat watching a gopher hole
ricardo00: the watch
ricardo00: paw strike
ricardo00: bobcat approaching
ricardo00: friendly bobcat
ricardo00: Bobcat hunting: licking lips in anticipation
ricardo00: Bobcat hunting: the strike
ricardo00: bobcat through the fence
ricardo00: bobcat checking me out
ricardo00: bobcat on the hunt
ricardo00: bobcat on the hunt
ricardo00: bobcat hunting on a windy day
ricardo00: bobcat walk by
ricardo00: bobcat blending in with it surroundings
ricardo00: bobcat portrait
ricardo00: bobcat approaching
ricardo00: bobcat with its catch
ricardo00: anticipation
ricardo00: bobcat doing its stretching exercise
ricardo00: bobcat on the prowl
ricardo00: bobcat grooming themself
ricardo00: bobcat in the distance
ricardo00: bobcat sitting
ricardo00: bobcat on the prowl
ricardo00: bobcat getting ready to pounce
ricardo00: backlit bobcat gives me a look that says stop following me.