ricardo00: Black-necked stilt
ricardo00: Black-necked stilt
ricardo00: Avocet
ricardo00: Black-necked stilt
ricardo00: Forster's tern
ricardo00: Forster's tern
ricardo00: Time for dinner
ricardo00: Is that a new camera?
ricardo00: Scratching that itch
ricardo00: Mooning delivery
ricardo00: pelican
ricardo00: cormorant nesting
ricardo00: cracking open the clam by banging it on a rock
ricardo00: clam sushi
ricardo00: checking me out
ricardo00: clam sushi
ricardo00: what a rock
ricardo00: California thrasher singing
ricardo00: kite hatchling
ricardo00: feeding the brood
ricardo00: another meal
ricardo00: jump flapping
ricardo00: trapped
ricardo00: injured
ricardo00: and then there was flight!
ricardo00: First flight
ricardo00: conferring with mom
ricardo00: joining mom
ricardo00: eating on the run
ricardo00: Video of white-tailed kite learning to fly