ricardo00: yellow rumped warbler getting a berry
ricardo00: bushtit with olive snack
ricardo00: Cedar Waxwing enjoying a berry from the Chinese pistache tree
ricardo00: Cedar waxwing comes to the Chinese pistache tree
ricardo00: Cedar waxwing arrives among fall colors
ricardo00: Nuttall's woodpecker3
ricardo00: Black phoebe: one of the more common visitors to the Chinese Pistache tree though hard to photograph
ricardo00: Black phoebe at rest
ricardo00: Down the hatch
ricardo00: Northern Flicker visiting the Chinese pistache tree
ricardo00: Even a Nutall's woodpecker has found the berries
ricardo00: Yellow-Rumped warbler
ricardo00: Western blue bird in action
ricardo00: Acrobatic western blue bird gets a berry
ricardo00: The mockingbirds are the most brazen visitors to our Chinese pistache tree
ricardo00: western bluebird goes for a berry
ricardo00: Even a Nutall's woodpecker found the berries a treat
ricardo00: bluebird getting a berry
ricardo00: Western bluebird: the Chinese pistache berries are ready
ricardo00: Cooper's hawk focussed
ricardo00: The focus of attention
ricardo00: Cooper's Hawk
ricardo00: Escorting dad back with dinner
ricardo00: One of the fledglings getting attacked by a neighborhood crow
ricardo00: A couple of the fledged white-tail kites doing air acrobatics with mom
ricardo00: That crow looks huge!
ricardo00: Ouch!
ricardo00: Watch out I am sitting here!
ricardo00: White-tail kite versus great blue heron
ricardo00: Great blue heron chases a fledgling off of the nest.