ricardo00: A second visit by our neighborhood great horned owl
ricardo00: First great horned owl of 2018
ricardo00: Backyard show in slowmo
ricardo00: Tough peaking into a white-tailed kite nest (lots of branches block the view from every angle)
ricardo00: WTK chick unable to reach the nest
ricardo00: RSH calling for a mate
ricardo00: RSH feeding its chicks
ricardo00: Scrub jay with an acorn taking off
ricardo00: life of a hawk in our neighborhood
ricardo00: Getting dive-bombed from both sides by several crows
ricardo00: chestnut-backed chickadee grabs a seed
ricardo00: white-tail kite makes an early morning visit to our yard
ricardo00: spotted towhee about to take off
ricardo00: RSH reacting to the neighborhood crows
ricardo00: cedar waxwings exchanging berries
ricardo00: white-breasted nuthatch looking for some food
ricardo00: Western bluebird snags a partially ripe berry
ricardo00: Northern mockingbird downing one of the last berries
ricardo00: cedar waxwing looking for a ripe berry
ricardo00: cedar waxwing enjoying some persimmons
ricardo00: oak titmouse cracking open a berry
ricardo00: neighborhood RSH visiting our backyard
ricardo00: Acrobatic hermit thrush goes upside down to grab a berry
ricardo00: Nuttall's woodpecker grabs a ripe berry
ricardo00: Western bluebird downing a berry
ricardo00: after the rain, our local RSH was out hunting
ricardo00: and the crows were continually harassing the RSH
ricardo00: white-breasted nuthatch having a bite
ricardo00: Scrub Jay makes off with some goodies
ricardo00: RSH fly by.peg