ricardo00: the hunter and his prey: the komodo dragon is the largest living species of lizard
ricardo00: Stork-billed Kingfisher
ricardo00: oriental pied hornbill
ricardo00: Wagler’s Pit Viper
ricardo00: leaping mom with baby
ricardo00: male proboscis monkey along the Kinabatangan River
ricardo00: mom and baby proboscis monkey on the Kinabatangan River
ricardo00: baby komodo
ricardo00: close-up of Komodo dragon mouth showing its teeth and saliva
ricardo00: Silver-leaf monkey: one of 20 primate species in Borneo
ricardo00: flying squirrel: one of many we saw
ricardo00: red-leaf monkey: one of the more colorful monkeys we saw
ricardo00: morning pee just like us! (glad I don't have 5 photographers photographing me as I get up.
ricardo00: orangutan wake-up: every night an orangutan makes a nest. We waited for this one to wake up and come out.
ricardo00: Mullers Borneo gibbon
ricardo00: Stork-billed kingfisher
ricardo00: Barred eagle owl with his catch
ricardo00: Blue-eared kingfisher
ricardo00: black and red broodbill
ricardo00: Brown-throated sunbird
ricardo00: Eastern crimson sunbird
ricardo00: Brown Borneo Barbet
ricardo00: black and yellow broadbill
ricardo00: Ruby cheeked Sunbird
ricardo00: Wallace's hawk eagle
ricardo00: Brahminy kite
ricardo00: lantern bug
ricardo00: one of the interesting insects we photographed in Borneo
ricardo00: crab spider
ricardo00: one of the interesting insects we photographed