ricardo00: Acorn woodpecker taking off
ricardo00: Red shouldered hawk looking for dinner
ricardo00: Western bluebird posing
ricardo00: Western bluebird taking off
ricardo00: A red tail hawk looking for a squirrel dinner
ricardo00: Going for a walk on the dish
ricardo00: A handsome couple
ricardo00: Mr. and Mrs. Coyote
ricardo00: Getting bored by this photographer taking pics
ricardo00: First of three coyotes on the Stanford dish on today's walk.
ricardo00: Makes a nice headrest
ricardo00: Getting a tongue bath
ricardo00: Watched this American Kestrel dive a few times but didn't come up with anything
ricardo00: A Northern Flicker goes for the last of the berries
ricardo00: One of the many wild turkeys on the Stanford dish
ricardo00: A Western Bluebird finds dinner
ricardo00: A quick leap and success!
ricardo00: RTH focusses on his prey
ricardo00: RTH enjoying dinner
ricardo00: fresh buds are tasty!
ricardo00: Western bluebird on the fly
ricardo00: Kestrel on the hunt
ricardo00: white-tailed kite on the hunt
ricardo00: coyote on the hunt on the Dish
ricardo00: sitting pretty
ricardo00: successful hunt
ricardo00: Both survived
ricardo00: They seemed to miss by inches
ricardo00: Mom practicing some tough love on her juvenile?
ricardo00: when another hawk came straight at him (up in the right corner