ricardo00: ladybug 2
ricardo00: lantern bug
ricardo00: one of the interesting insects we photographed in Borneo
ricardo00: crab spider
ricardo00: one of the interesting insects we photographed
ricardo00: one of the interesting insects we photographed
ricardo00: Jewel beetle
ricardo00: file-eared tree frog
ricardo00: Lichen Huntsman Spider
ricardo00: but really an insect in disguise! A wooly aphid
ricardo00: looks like some lint on a leaf
ricardo00: gliding lizard
ricardo00: file-eared tree frog
ricardo00: walking stick
ricardo00: Blue-black reed frog (Heterixalus madagascariensis)
ricardo00: giraffe weevil
ricardo00: Madagascar tree frog
ricardo00: satanic leaf tailed gecko: one of the amazing creatures in Madagascar
ricardo00: tongue of satanic gecko
ricardo00: one of the smaller chameleon's we saw
ricardo00: sleeping Parson's chameleon
ricardo00: satanic leaf tailed gecko (Uroplatus phantasticus)
ricardo00: Mantella baroni frog
ricardo00: Malagasy ring-tailed mongoose
ricardo00: mossy stick insect (head is closer to the ground, if look closely you can see the eye
ricardo00: Milne-Edwards' Sifaka takes a break from eating to check me out
ricardo00: greater bamboo lemur eating a stalk of bamboo
ricardo00: chameleon 2
ricardo00: chameleon 1
ricardo00: chameleon 5