ricardo00: white-tailed kite getting a twig to offer for the nest
ricardo00: white-tailed kite mating
ricardo00: Male white-tailed kite approaching his mate
ricardo00: white-tailed kite bringing a twig for the nest
ricardo00: White-tailed kite
ricardo00: Harassment by the neighborhood crows
ricardo00: A twig for the nest
ricardo00: Bringing dinner to his mate
ricardo00: here comes dinner
ricardo00: good to the tail end
ricardo00: blood mustache
ricardo00: again!
ricardo00: love peck
ricardo00: look what I caught
ricardo00: Dinner has arrived!
ricardo00: Ouch! Saw a few white feathers drift down after this attack.
ricardo00: protecting dinner
ricardo00: crow attack
ricardo00: breakfast
ricardo00: in air transfer
ricardo00: crow attack again
ricardo00: handoff sequence 1
ricardo00: handoff sequence 2
ricardo00: handoff sequence 4
ricardo00: handoff sequence 3
ricardo00: White-tailed kite bringing home dinner
ricardo00: White-tailed kite
ricardo00: White-tailed kite
ricardo00: in air transfer:300mm
ricardo00: juvenile kites take wing 2