ricardo00: grizzly in Bella Coola
ricardo00: Young grizzly checking us out.
ricardo00: What big claws you have.
ricardo00: When I woke up around 6AM, I looked outside and saw this mom playing with her cubs outside my cabin.
ricardo00: Grizzly eating a salmon.
ricardo00: grizzly looking for a salmon in the river.
ricardo00: This grizzly came out of the woods while we were photographing another grizzly in the river.
ricardo00: Grizzly checking us out.
ricardo00: bald eagle
ricardo00: rr3_1019
ricardo00: rr3_0474
ricardo00: Grizzly eating a salmon from Bella Coola River
ricardo00: rr3_0452
ricardo00: Bella coola grizzly finding a tasty salmon